Kia Ora Winter Lovers,
Earth's just had it's hottest March ever. Before that we had the hottest February ever. And you guessed it, the hottest January ever. It's been 10 months in a row now of hottest months ever. Meanwhile parts of NZ just received a month's worth of rain in a day, and the current government is proposing fast-tracking projects that will increase climate pollution. TODAY is the last day to make a submissions on the Fast Track bill.
Action Alert - Submit on the Fast Track Bill TODAY
Read on for updates about:
- Submission template for the Fast-Track bill. DUE TODAY
- Tips for managing climate anxiety
- NZ's smashed glaciers
- Upcoming events
- Buff x POW competition
- Positive climate news
Fast Track, Wrong Track
The Fast-Track Approvals Bill is a bill that aims to speed up the approval of projects, and reduce consenting costs. An applicant, who for example, would like to open a coal mine on conservation land, would go through one process to get approval for a project, rather than several separate processes. The new process proposes that an expert panel will make recommendations to ministers, but that the ministers only will have the ultimate say. Projects could side-step approval processes under the RMA, and nine other sets of laws and regulations such as wildlife and, conservation acts.
Why is POW opposed to the Fast-Track bill?
- The bill is not evidence based.
- The bill is not democratic.
- It puts conservation land at risk.
- It could result in projects that cause more climate, air, and water pollution such as: Coal mines, waste incineration plants, highways, large irrigation dams and more.
The legislation limits who can have a say. Local communities can't have a say, organisations like POW, who represent the outdoor community won’t be able to have a say either. Advocacy groups, and the general public won’t be able to make submissions on individual projects, even projects on conservation land.
Jones has made it clear he wants mining: "If there is a mineral, if there is a mining opportunity and it's impeded by a blind frog, goodbye, Freddie," "Gone are the days of the multicoloured skink, the kiwi, many other species that have been weaponised…” Yep he actually said that.
POW has made a submission which you can read here. We've also made a super easy template with heaps of other info, and instructions for your own individual submission here. The deadline for submissions is MIDNIGHT TONIGHT!
Action Alert - Submit on the Fast Track Bill TODAY
Action over Apathy
Climate Anxiety is real. Collective action is the best way to help manage it.
We're seeing more and more headlines about the world being on fire, we're seeing winters warm, shorten, and become less predictable, our favourite trails be washed away by extreme weather events, and it's really stressful. Climate anxiety can cause you to feel overwhelmed, helpless and excessive worry about the future. If you feel this way sometimes that's ok - you're not the only one.
Here are few things that evidence shows are best for helping climate anxiety. Most of them are also great for other things too.
- Connect with others who have similar passions, and concerns. Talk about how you're feeling with them.
- Spend time outside, exercising, appreciating nature and having fun.
- Take a break, skip the negative news and focus on solutions and positive news
- Action is the antidote anxiety. Especially collective action. Joining others with group activities such as tree plantings or protests can foster a powerful sense of hope, community connection and social support.
- Join POW to help with all of the above! And take some action by submitting on the fast track bill.
Read more in some great articles here and here
The greatest danger to our planet is apathy - Dr Jane Goodall
The most important thing an individual can do is to be less of an individual. - Bill McKibben
NZ's Smashed Glaciers
On that note of remaining more positive, we'd like to highlight the great work that NIWA and their team are doing to share their end of summer snowline survey results. This year they looked at almost all of the glaciers that have been studied since the 1970's. The difference between now and 50 years ago for many of them is described as the difference between visiting a ski field in the winter vs in the summer.
Glaciers form a significant part of New Zealand’s environment, economy, and culture. They are important sources of meltwater, supporting stream habitats and providing nutrients to lakes, rivers and oceans, as well as feeding hydroelectric lakes, impacting the availability of renewable energy.
NZ’s glaciers are estimated to contribute about NZ$100 million annually to the country’s economy through tourism.
"New Zealand is one of the few mid-latitude places where people live near glaciers, where people can see and visit them easily. But this is getting tougher. Tourism operators are having to penetrate further and further into the mountains to reach them."
"They hold tremendous value, but I worry that they won’t be around for our children to enjoy. Not to mention the impacts their disappearance will have on our environment and cultural heritage. The message remains the same: we must tackle the issue of rising greenhouse gases if we are to save our glaciers from melting away," said Dr Lorrey.
When you make a fast-track submission you can include some of this information, or share an image such as this one of the Butler glacier. Full article here.
Upcoming Events
Events we're looking at hosting include:
- Repair events
- POWdays at ski areas near Wanaka and Queenstown
- Quiz Nights
- Tree planting events
- Meetings with MP's and local councils
- Science alliance learning opportunities
What do you think about these? Would you be keen to attend them? Or would you rather see POW host some different events? Where would you like them to be, or would you like to see more online events?
We're working hard to make more events happen, but to do so we need your help. If you can volunteer to help with any event please get in touch. Volunteers are key, and we can't host any event without them.
PS. Not a member yet? Sign up to join TEAM POW today. There are HEAPS of benefits such as discounts with our partners listed below.
Big Thanks to all of our partners