The NITRO Story

The NITRO Story

We’re all lifers, so let’s continue to build snowboarding together and have fun in the process!
NZ Shred
"Who We Got?", for Winter 2024!!!

"Who We Got?", for Winter 2024!!!

Well, seems like now is as good as any time, to introduce the NZ Shred 'Winter Team' for 2024.   (Photo: Curvey Ridgeline, looking into the Doolans, The Remarkables). (Photo:...
Grasshopper’s 2024 New Zealand Snow Season Outlook – Colder Winter with Small But Frequent Top-Ups for South Island Resorts

Grasshopper’s 2024 New Zealand Snow Season Outlook – Colder Winter with Small But Frequent Top-Ups for South Island Resorts

As we reach the tail-end of autumn, any remaining El Niño effects fade away. Wintry air masses have already started their annual pilgrimage across New Zealand, with the potential for a more promising ski season than seen in recent years for many South Island fields.
NZ Shred
10 - A Decade Deep

10 - A Decade Deep

A decade has gone by since we unveiled a primitive prototype of the first splitboard specific binding on It has been a fun, fulfilling, and really exciting time to go from concept to company.


Our hardgoods team constantly tests our products looking for ways to evolve and improve riders' experiences on the hill. One idea can get the ball rolling on the next project. After the release of Step On four years ago, the team has continued to tinker, expanding the line and reworking components to build a better strapless system.
NZ Shred
L1 Genderless Pants Styles!

L1 Genderless Pants Styles!

With the Winter season fast approaching and just 6 weeks to go, it’s time to dust off the cobwebs and elevate your style this Winter!
NZ Shred
POW NZ April Climate Update

POW NZ April Climate Update

Earth's just had it's hottest March ever. Before that we had the hottest February ever. And you guessed it, the hottest January ever. It's been 10 months in a row now of hottest months ever. Meanwhile parts of NZ just received a month's worth of rain in a day, and the current government is proposing fast-tracking projects that will increase climate pollution. 
NZ Shred
Behind the Scenes: The Rome Team in Austria

Behind the Scenes: The Rome Team in Austria

Shop ROME at NZSHRED What happens when you bring a heavy crew to Austria, sprinkle in spring-like temperatures, absolutely bluebird days, and juuuuust enough fresh snow to get some powder turns & build...
Kelly’s Last Bells: “What A Life It’s Been”

Kelly’s Last Bells: “What A Life It’s Been”

“I hear people say things about me retiring, like ‘You need to just retire’, blah blah, but I think people don’t understand what a life it’s been.”
NZ Shred
Inyo and Worm's Adventures With Jeremy Jones

Inyo and Worm's Adventures With Jeremy Jones

Inyo and Worm's Adventures With Jeremy Jones Looking for some inspiring splitboard stoke? Get up to speed with Inyo and Worm's Adventures, a video series by Jones pro team riders Garrett...
NZ Shred
So much winter product already here ...

So much winter product already here ...

The days are getting shorter and colder. That means winter and snowboarding are on their way! We are seriously stocked up already, with nearly all of our Winter 2024 snow...
NZ Shred
MAVEN : The Snowy Mountain Backcountry, through the eyes of female adventurers.

MAVEN : The Snowy Mountain Backcountry, through the eyes of female adventurers.

MAVEN is a film by Sydney based documentary maker, Divya Gordon.   It showcases backcountry guide Chess Smee's 2023 goal, to attempt the 11 highest of Snowy Mountains peaks in a 24...